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Human activities have plunged our oceans into very deep trouble. Some fish have been caught faster than they can reproduce and 76% of the world's fish stocks are now fished at, or over, their limits - including many of our own linefish.
Seafood has been categorised into 3 sections:

Fish from the green list are the most sustainable species from the healthiest and most well-managed populations.

Choose to eat fish from this category. Try something you don't normally eat.

Ask your fish monger and restaurants for more selections from the green category.

Choose green, because green works.


Be cautious about selecting fish from the orange category.

Increased demand for these has compromised a sustainable supply.

There are a number of reasons for concern.

•  They may be rare due to overfishing, and cannot sustain the current
    fishing pressure.
•  The fishery that catches them may cause severe environmental
    damage through the fishing method used or there is a high by-catch.
•  The life-style (biology) of the species makes it vulnerable to
•  The species may not have been adequately studied, but it is
    suspected that it will be unable to sustain heavy fishing pressure
    based on information for related species.

Consumers are encouraged to consider the implications of these choices.


It is illegal to buy or sell these species in South Africa. Some of these are specially protected and others are "no-sale" species, reserved for recreational fishing only. A valid recreational permit is required

Download the handy card and keep
it with you so when you eat out
you can make the right choices.

Take the following into account when buying seafood:

• Buy from the right people.
• Buy the right species - some of our fish really need a break so let's
   scale down on eating them. Select something else.
• Consider how it was caught. Some fishing methods have greater
   environmental impacts than others. Check out your card and make
   the right decisions.

Your choices today will affect what you will have available in the future.

If we want to maintain the many seafood choices we have and keep our oceans healthy we need to make smarter seafood choices right now. TODAY.
The World Wide Fund for Nature (WWF) through the Southern African Sustainable Seafood Initiative (SASSI) is helping us to make better seafood choices.
Some of the fish on the Orange List
Scale down on eating these - give them a break!

• Bluefin tuna
• Cape Salmon
• Kingklip
• Kob
• Kabeljou
• Langoustines
• Prawns
• Rockcod
• Red Roman
• Soles

Choose something off the green list.
SASSI FishMS enables you to make the right on the spot choice when dining out.
Text the type of fish to
You will get back a response telling you whether to tuck in, think twice or avoid completely.
Some basic rules of thumb when choosing seafood:

Green is always the best option.

If you really need to satisfy your craving for your favourite on the orange list, then make it a special occasion, rather than an everyday occurrence.

Local is lekker. Choose fish from sustainably managed wild populations (from the green list) rather than imported species - especially if they are from our neighbouring countries like Mozambique, Tanzania, Seychelles.

Be cautious about eating any reef fish species. The biology of many of our reef dwellers make them very susceptible to overfishing (e.g. they are long-lived, only mature and breed late in their lifecycle, are often territorial and therefore have limited home ranges and many change sex as they grow).

There are many environmental and human impacts as well as health concerns associated with farmed species - so find out where your fish comes from.

Globally there are no best practice standards or eco-labels for aquaculture yet, but try choose those that have organic certifications or are EU approved.

Better still, avoid these and choose from sustainably managed wild fish populations (from the green list).

The only accredited seafood certification for wild stocks is the MSC label- marine Stewardship Council (SA Hake has MSC certification) so look out for these in retailers stores and fishmongers.

Find out more about your favourite fish so that you can understand why some of them may be better choices than others.

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Pocket Guide
The catch to ordering the "Catch of the Day"